Our Lady of Sorrows Kitovu - Masaka, Uganda

Leading Teens Closer to Christ  


We are catholic youth ministry leading teens closer to Christ and challenging teens to live as Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Started December 2009, OLS Life Teen Youth Ministry became the first Youth Ministry in Ugandato join the steady growing Youth Movement of Life Teen which is in its 27th year. Life Teen is an international Catholic ministry who believes that Eucharist-based ministry has the power to transform teens, transform parishes, and transform culture.

As youths try to find an identity and a place to belong, it is vital that the church be a haven from the storm of peer pressure and adolescence. Youth need to know that God loves and cares for them especially during the time they enter into the teenage years and head toward adulthood. Our Youth Ministry is committed to creating an environment of love, acceptance and to challenge each individual to make a decision to follow Christ. We believe that it is essential that our children grow up with good friends who are following Christ in their local church.

Every Sunday, youths come together and they are gathered by the Holy Spirit.

This ministry helps teens to encounter Christ in a deeper way. Through the Mass, Adoration and Confession the teens meet Jesus in the Sacraments. At the Life Nights they learn about their faith and what it means to answer Christ’s call to “Discipleship.”  Social events and retreats help the teens to form Christian fellowships. Quarterly service projects allow the teens to put their faith and love for God into action by serving others. In this ministry through prayer and witness, teens continue developing their relationship with Christ while maturing to a more adult like faith.


  1. To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
  2. To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
  3. To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.


  1. Advocacy - a voice for the young people and their families.
  2. Catechesis - to help teens develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community and increase their knowledge of their Catholic faith/Which is lifelong.
  3. Community Life - builds an environment of loving acceptance and support of all, showing that Christ dwells within us/Hospitality
  4. Evangelization - brings the Good News of Jesus into humanity, into every human situation. It is the proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ and the response of the person in faith. Everything ministry does: relationships, service, and catechesis needs to invite the teens into a deeper relationship with Christ and empower them to be His disciples.
  5. Apostolic Justice and Service - Our faith calls us all to work for justice, to serve those in need, pursue peace, and to defend the life, dignity and rights of all our brothers and sisters as the Church teaches.
  6. Leadership Development - helps to develop a leadership system that trains, supports and nourishes adult and teen leaders. These members in turn minister to the rest of the ministry but their development must be Christ centered not self-serving.
  7. Pastoral Care - is a ministry of relationship, a ministry of compassionate presence. It helps young people in making important life decisions and seeks to help teens to learn to establish healthy relationships with ours, including first and foremost their families.
  8. Prayer and Worship - Celebrates and deepens young people’s relationships with Christ.  It helps to awaken their awareness of how the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives. It also helps the teens to be more active in the sacraments of the faith and helps them develop a prayer life.


                                                         2012 LIFE TEEN THEME:

  Read more about Life Teen